SFF Yeah! is a biweekly fantasy and science fiction podcast dedicated to the latest happenings and our favorite recommendations from the worlds of science fiction and fantasy.
Sharifah and guest Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein stir up an old debate, comparing and contrasting science fiction films Inception and Paprika.
This week, Sharifah discusses series she wishes she could read.
Sharifah and Jenn discuss lucid dreaming, The Old Guard, Shirley Jackson Award winners, series they wish they could read again for the first time, and more.
This week, Jenn discusses humans up against the supernatural.
Sharifah and Jenn discuss the Locus Award Winners, some exciting reprints, their favorite titles from the Spring of 2020, and more!
This week, Sharifah discusses two SF/F beach reads!
Sharifah and Jenn discuss a new podcast about Octavia Butler, some adaptation news, their most anticipated series books, and more.
This week, Jenn discusses two books that evoke a sense of wonder.
Sharifah and Jenn discuss the Nebula Awards, Pride month, anti-racist SF/F, and more highly anticipated books coming out in 2020.
Sharifah recommends two great Black female authors of science fiction and fantasy.