Giving Up on Calendars
Jess and Trisha talk about baby epilogues and revisit a classic romance trope: fake dating stories.
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Book club is back!! We’re reading Witchmark by CL Polk, so give it a read and send us your thoughts by Sept. 29 (note the date change!).
Check out what you might have missed on Bookstore Romance Day.
Books Discussed
The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa
Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews
The Out on the Ice series by Kelly Farmer
Jilted by Lilah Suzanne
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole
Rent a Bae by Unoma Nwankwor
Luck of the Draw by Kate Clayborn
To Catch a Raven by Beverly Jenkins
Honey and Spice by Bolu Babalola
Let us know what you think of baby/child epilogues, and what you think of fake dating. As always, you can find Jess and Trisha at the WIR email address ( You can also find us on Twitter (@jessisreading and @trishahaleybrwn), or Instagram (@jess_is_reading and @trishahaleybrown).