Metaphorically Bite-Sized
This week, Jeff and Rebecca dive into a whole bunch of reading statistics and surveys, a woman’s $6 million gift to a library, a new daily-reading subscription service, gendered kids books, and more. This week’s show is sponsored by Warby Parker and Swoonreads.
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Links discussed in the show:
#LetBooksBeBooks campaign to fight gender stereotypes in kid lit
Publisher says he won’t change gendered children’s books because they sell
Can reading lit fic make you less racist?
Pew research on Americans’ engagement with public libraries
Half of books in UK homes are unread
Affluent UK citizens read more and FEEL BETTER about their reading than less affluent citizens
Rooster app sends 2 books per month to your phone in daily bites
Hero of the Week: Avid reader leaves $6 million to NYPL in her will
New books discussed in the show:
Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler
Books and Islands in Ojibwe County by Louise Erdrich (reprint)
Paperback: The Bonobo and the Atheist by Frans de Waal
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