Homebrewed Hoots and Hollers
This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about the highest-earning authors, what people say their favorites books are on Facebook, how young people are using libraries, new books, and much more. This episode is sponsored by Squarespace and Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon.
You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (click here) or via RSS (link here). You can also download a free dedicated app for iOS or for Android.
Links discussed in the show:
Social workers in Edmonton libraries
Amazon drops Fire Phone price to 99 cents
New Creative Director of Amazon Publishing comes from world of comics
Pew Study about how Americans under 30 use libraries
FB data analysts look at the 10 Books meme
New books discussed in the show:
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Dataclysm by Christian Rudder
Forgetting to Be Afraid by Wendy Davis
So We Read On by Maureen Corrigan
So We Read On by Andrew Solomon
If you like the Book Riot podcast, you might try our newest podcast, Reading Lives. Reading Lives is a bi-weekly interview podcast with interesting people about their lives in books. The first episode is up and available now, featuring Clive Thompson, author of Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better. You can listen to the first episode right here.