Guns That Shoot Novellas
This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about diversity (and lack thereof) in children’s books, a bunch of new book news, critical subjectivity, the future of ebooks, and much more. This episode is sponsored by Oyster and Audible.
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Links discussed in the show:
The Independent will no longer review gender-specific children’s books
Silent Reading parties come to Brooklyn
Study on representation of people of color in children’s books
Shout-out: Diversity in YA tumblr
Should Critics Publish a “Statement of Position?”
Ebooks to grow “only slowly” after 2016
JRR Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf to be published
Why so few 20th Century ebooks are available
Meg Wolitzer on writing YA inspired by Sylvia Plath
Book deal news: Oprah to write collection of essays, “What I Know For Sure”
New books discussed in the show:
The Bohemians: Mark Twain and the San Francisco Writers Who Reinvented American Literature by Ben Tarnoff
The Thing With Feathers by Noah Strycker