
Like Great Short Stories? You’ll Want to Support Fireside Fiction

Johann Thorsson

Staff Writer

Johann Thorsson is a native of Iceland, but spends much of his time in Bookland. He has lived in a few parts of the world but currently lives in Iceland with a pretty woman and a mischievous son who resembles Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes fame) more each day. He has a complicated but ultimately useless degree in bioinformatics from a very pretty college in England. His favorite books are 1984, Flowers for Algernon and The English Patient. He hopes one day to call himself a writer without feeling like he's just fooling himself. Blog: Johann Thorsson - On Book and Writing Twitter: @johannthors

Fireside Fiction publishes great short fiction. Their two stated goals are: “to find and publish great stories regardless of genre, and to pay our writers and artists well.”

And they do pay well; 12.5 cents a word for stories when most other markets pay around 5 cents per word. Writers whose stories have appeared in Fireside include Mary Robinette Kowal, Daniel José Older, Elizabeth Bear, Ken Liu, Lilith Saintcrow, and Chuck Wendig, among others.

They are currently running a Patreon drive for their fourth year, and here’s why you should pledge (even just a tiny amount).


Patreon, for those of you who don’t know, is a place where fans can pledge a small amount to their favorite artists or writers and get something in return. In the case of Fireside Patreon drive, $2 a month gets you a subscription to the magazine (.mobi or .epub), $5 gets you a subscription plus digital wallpaper of that month’s cover by artist Galen Dara, as seen above. There are also $10, $15 and $50 pledge options with fun rewards (postards? A personalized “thank you”?).

Most of all, supporting Fireside and subscribing means that once a month you will be getting the very best in short fiction. Like “Stay” by Daniel José Older and A.E. Decker’s “The Gangs of Gnome Jersey.”

So to give yourself the giddy pleasure of great new short stories every month, pledge to their Patreon drive.