Keep the Comics in Christmas: Happy Holidays from Your Friends at Panels!
Whether Christmas is something you celebrate, muddle through, or a fancy name for just another Thursday, we hope this missive finds you well and happy and surrounded by great comics.
Here’s an image of Santa Claus riding Shazam. C.C. Beck, you maniac. It’s a long story.
For the rest of the year we’ll be revisiting some of our greatest hits from the year that was, from our most insightful and poignant essays and our silliest musings, to that one quiz about butts (so far). Sure, we only started back in October, but I’m tremendously proud of this team and the work they’ve been doing. In the mean time, we’ll be reading and writing in eager anticipation of 2015, our first full year of celebrating comics, the people who make them, and the people who love them (that’s you).
Before I go, one request. As it is the season of giving, please consider making a donation to the fund for iconic Batman artist Norm Breyfogle, who suffered a stroke earlier this month and received a daunting medical bill. He still has a long recovery ahead of him.
Norm has suffered paralysis on his left side (and is left handed). As an artist…that is devastating! Norm now needs months of extended care in a Nursing Home fscility with daily therapy that will hopefully enable him to once again, continue his skillful art and regain his mobility to be able to walk again.
Please donate if you are able, and of course spread the word. Thank you.
Continue to love what you love. Happy holidays from our family to yours.