Join Now: The Riot Read!
There’s nothing quite like the serendipity of having a friend recommend a book you wouldn’t normally pick up on your own and discovering that you love it. With The Riot Read, our new monthly subscription service, we’re setting out to harness that magic.
It’s as simple as this: one great new release, once a month, right to your mailbox. We pick ’em, you read ’em, and we all talk about it together.
Each book will be a new release–something that’s been out no longer than a few weeks–and it will be a surprise. The picks will be mostly fiction, but fiction of many stripes. In any given month, the book could be a mystery, or YA, or a romance, or historical fiction, or good old literary fiction. The only requirement for us is that the book makes for good reading. Every month, every book, will be an adventure. If you’re not up for this kind of reading, well, the Riot Read might not be for you, and that’s cool too.
Every month, we’ll send you the book accompanied by a letter explaining why we love it, AND we’ll write and record a bunch of original content about the book, including a dedicated podcast where Book Riot contributors and other bookish folk will talk about each month’s pick. Sound good? Subscribe now to receive our first selection, which ships in July. You’ve gotta sign up by June 15th to get in on this one!
We recorded a special interlude of the Book Riot Podcast to discuss The Riot Read in more depth. Have a listen, and holler back in the comments if you have any questions we didn’t address.
- The Riot Read is $30 per month.
- Subscriptions auto-renew (once you are signed up, you’re good to go) and can be cancelled at any time.
- Shipping is included.
- The Riot Read is available in the U.S. only due to shipping cost, but the online content will be available to all readers who want to join in the conversation.
What are you waiting for? Join The Riot Read and let us bust your TBR list.