
Horror Reads For Fans of Horror Flicks

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Jamie Canaves

Contributing Editor

Jamie Canavés is the Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator and Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter writer — in case you’re wondering what you do with a Liberal Arts degree. She’s never met a beach she didn’t like, always says yes to dessert, loves ‘80s nostalgia, all forms of entertainment, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. You can always talk books with her on Bluesky, Litsy, Goodreads, and her substack Multitudes Contained.

Love horror movies? Want to find the right book to match the feel or atmosphere of one of your favorite scary films?

We’ve put together a list of recommended reads based on popular and well-known horror movies, as well as some cult classics. The book recommendations include both adult and young adult titles, and we’re well aware some of the films come from books themselves — but we know having more options for your spooky reads is a good thing, not a bad one.

You can right click and save this guide if you’d like. All book titles and film titles are below the image, and there’s a reading list below the image, too.

We’d also love your recommendations. The horror side of Book Riot talked about how we’d love to have book recommendations for movies like The Blair Witch ProjectFriday the 13th, and Hocus Pocus, among others, so feel free to give us (and other readers!) your best pairings in the comments.

horror film book recs


Books Recommended (in order from above):

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff

The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco

172 Hours On The Moon by Johan Harstad

The Devil and Winnie Flynn by Micol and David Ostow

The Summer Is Ended And We Are Not Yet Saved by Joey Comeau

Ten by Gretchen McNeil

The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter

Sanctuary by Jennifer McKissack

The Devil in Silver by Victor LaValle

The Killing Lessons by Saul Black

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers

Zone One by Colson Whitehead

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon

The Walls Around Us  by Nova Ren Suma

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn