Win a Copy of THE LAST LUMENIAN BOOK 3: PROUD PADA by S.G. Blaise!

This giveaway is sponsored by The Last Lumenian book series.

Book cover of Proud Pada by S.G. Blaise

ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST. Lilla is on her next mission as Sybil, when she must travel to the Pada world following the trail of a ruthless murderer. Navigating deadly politics turns increasingly difficult when the Teryn emperor goes missing.
Now the Teryn empire is heading towards civil war, and Lilla must uncover who is behind the conspiracy before it’s too late. Unfortunately her success depends on the Proud Pada.

We’re giving away three copies of Proud Pada by S.G. Blaise to three lucky Riot readers! This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and all other US territories). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, January 12, 2023. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.