US and Canadian Readers, Win a Copy of THE BALLAD OF JACQUOTTE DELAHAYE by Briony Cameron!

This giveaway is sponsored by Dragons & Spaceships.

Book cover of The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron

We’re teaming up with Dragons & Spaceships to give away three copies of The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron.

“This epic, dazzling tale based on true events illuminates a woman of color’s rise to power as one of the few purported female pirate captains to sail the Caribbean, and the forbidden love story that will shape the course of history.”

We’re giving away three copies of The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron to three lucky Riot readers! This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Puerto Rico, all other US territories, and the Province of Quebec). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, July 1, 2024. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.