Giveaway Finalist #2: High School Horror Stories
Katelyn was selected as a finalist in our High School Horror Stories giveaway sponsored by Here I Go Again by Jen Lancaster. The winner will be the one whose entry reposted on gets the most Facebook “likes” by 11:59PM EDT, Wednesday, February 13. The ONLY way to vote is to click the Facebook “Like” just above this text on
Having failed gym as a junior (you read that correctly), I had to take two gyms my senior year. Sucked. The one thing that my gym teachers were sticklers for was tardiness. Being late meant being absent and losing points. Not wanting to fail all of high school because of gym, I was always in a hurry to be there on time. On the day before my 18th birthday (having planned a major bash sans parents that weekend) I was in a hurry and running with a friend through the halls. Taking a turn too widely he bumped into me and sent me flying into the wall. As I sat there stunned he ran and got the teacher. She called for the nurse who then called for an ambulance. I had to be carted through the whole school on a stretcher having someone ask what happened every few minutes. I was writhing in pain at this point still not sure what happened. Well, after the most painful x-rays ever, I found out I had broken my collar bone. I had to wear a sling at my birthday party and many months after. I was so hopped up on pain meds that I was passed out by 8pm and missed most of my friends. The only bonus was that I got out of gym for the rest of the year without having to do any actual work. Sweet. But the rest of the year I was The Girl Who Broke Something While Running in the Hallways. I was an after school special. Great.