

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

Enough with The Rules, the “he’s just not that into you,” and the declaration that men and women are from separate planets. Let’s apply some math to this getting busy business, people! You can keep your flowers and candlelight. Give me some data! In Dollars and Sex, Dr. Marina Adshade applies economic theory to love and sex to demystify love and sex.

In this giveaway sponsored by Chronicle Books, we have 5 copies of Dollars and Sex to send off to lucky readers. For a chance to win, check out the infographic below and tell us: what question about dating and mating would you love to have explained with economics?

online dating and marriage infographic

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