Giveaway: BIG BROTHER by Lionel Shriver
This week’s giveaway is sponsored by Big Brother by Lionel Shriver.
For Pandora, cooking is a form of love. Alas, her husband, Fletcher, a self-employed cabinetmaker who crafts high-end, one-of-a-kind furniture, now spurns the “toxic” dishes that he’d savored through their courtship, and loses hours a day to manic cycling. But the couple’s comfortable, if sometimes strained, routine is about to implode. When Pandora picks up her older brother Edison at her local Iowa airport, she literally doesn’t recognize him. In the four years since the grown siblings last saw one another, the once slim, hip New York jazz pianist has gained hundreds of pounds. What happened?
Food is such a fundamental part of our lives that it only makes sense that we sometimes struggle with it, and that those struggles appear in fictional characters too. This week, we have five copies of Big Brother to give away to lucky readers.
Complete the form below and tell us about your favorite fictional characters with food issues to be entered. Entries are limited to the United States and will be accepted until 11:59pm Eastern, Sunday, July 28. Winners will be randomly selected.
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