Giveaway: $50 Amazon Giftcard
Every once in awhile we give away a giftcard to promote our excellent email newsletters. And that once in awhile has rolled around again today.
So here’s the deal. To enter for a chance to win, sign up for at least one of our newsletters, then after the entries close (Feb 28 at 11:59pm Eastern) we’ll pull a winner. And it could be you.
To help you choose, here’s a rundown of your newsletter options:
The Riot Rundown
This is the best of Book Riot. Three times a week, we send you an email rounding up our best stuff, from lists to opinion to news to humor. Probably the easiest way to keep up with what’s going on around here.
New Books!
Book Riot Deals
Everyday we scour the internet for the best ebook deals (and the occasional print deal) and send it out in an email. Just one pick from us of something we think worth mentioning. And if we don’t find anything interesting, we don’t send an email that day. You can browse recent selections here.
The Stack
What’s Up in YA?
Starting Monday, February 15, we’ll be taking our monthly feature dedicated to news about the YA world and offering it as an every-other-week newsletter. Same style, same bit of sass, same love for all things YA delivered every other Monday.
Book Riot Store
Did you know that we have our own online store just plum full of cool bookish stuff? Well, we do. If you want to hear about new products and promotions, we have an email list just for that.
Book Riot Events
Interested in the latest on Book Riot Live? Or a Read Harder meet-up? Here, you can make sure you get upcoming Book Riot events on your social calendar.