The Goods

14 Fun Bookmarks to Color for Adults and Kids

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Dana Lee

Staff Writer

Dana lives in East Haven, CT. She works for that Ivy League institution down the street and tries to read as many books as possible in her free time. Audiobooks and print books get equal love. Also, she unapologetically judges books by their covers and makes way too many playlists (c'mon, books need a soundtrack too!). Follow her on Twitter @lucyhenley115 .

Looking for a fun, bookish activity for adults and kids that love to color? Find amazing bookmarks to color! There are tons of designs, themes, and patterns out there of bookmarks to color for all age groups and skill levels. Characters, animals, aliens, scenery, patterns, designs, flowers, and more. And lots of them are available to buy and print at home from talented artists and designers.

Some sites like Classroom Doodles, Smiling Colors, and others even offer free, printable bookmarks. So, bust out your coloring tools of choice: crayons, colored pencils, markers, watercolors, or whatever you prefer. Make sure you have your trusty sharpener at your side and some scrap paper to test out your color schemes and creative designs.

Floral bookmarks with bookish messages from Etsy shop MissyPrintableDesign

Geometric shape printable bookmarks from Etsy shop KetkiFadnis

Set of 9 diamond-shaped nature and scenery bookmarks from Etsy shop cutelittleprint

Diamond-shaped nature and scenery bookmarks to color

Plantable bookmarks to color or write your TBR on from Etsy shop Sproutty. Printed on seed paper, you can plant them when you’re done using them to save your page.

Plantable bookmarks to color or fill in book titles on illustrated book shelves

Dragon bookmarks from Etsy shop DonutsandDragonsShop

Four printable dragon bookmarks you can color in

Cute elephant corner bookmarks from Etsy shop Hattifant

Corner bookmarks to color with elephant illustration

Cat design bookmarks from Etsy shop KetkiFadnis

Cat design bookmarks to color

Printable coloring book of 50 bookmarks from Etsy shop PatternBoom

Set of 12 hearts and love themed bookmarks from Etsy shop bySarahRenaeClark

Mountain scene bookmarks from Etsy shop ArtemisCardsAndGifts

Bookmarks to Color for Kids

Cute animal bookmarks from Etsy shop heathercashart

Ocean scene bookmarks from Etsy shop Hattifant

Set of 8 space-themed bookmarks from Etsy shop SpiritOwlPrints

Cute dinosaur bookmarks from Etsy shop KraftbyKaylee

If you’re up for more coloring or if you’re looking for the perfect gift, check out these other posts on Book Riot: 16 of the Best Adult Coloring Books or 15 Literature-Themed Adult Coloring Books.