Bookish Events

Finding Panelteers at NYCC 2015

Swapna Krishna

Staff Writer

Swapna is the Comics Editor at Book Riot. She's a Space Columnist for Paste Magazine and writes for Syfy Wire—Fangrrls,, Bustle, and other sites. She co-hosts a podcast called Desi Geek Girls. You can find her incessant ramblings on Twitter at @skrishna. She lives outside Philadelphia.

NYCC is upon us (again, I ask: How is it already October?), and all shades of geekdom are descending upon the dreaded Javits Center (one of the worst places on Earth) for four days of revelry, merriment, and utter exhaustion (really, who thought packing a bunch of introverts into a closed space was a good idea?)

Panelteers will be descending upon NYCC en masse, and we’d love to see you/meet you/exchange high fives. You’ll generally find us roaming the show floor wearing our Panels tees and casual Ms Marvel cosplay, but in between my meetings and general floor wanderings, here’s where I’m planning on being. (Planning is the operative word, but I’m hoping I’ll make an appearance at all of these.)




11:15 AM: We Need More Diverse Comics panel (because hello, have you met Panels? We like diversity.)

6:30 PM: #BlackComicsMonth: Diversity in Comics panel (not only does this panel have a stellar lineup, but I will be introducing the panel, so you’ll see me up front for this!)


11:00 AM: The New Geeky Journalism (I have a feeling this is the place to be if you write about comics on the Internet.)

1:30 PM: Geeks of Color meetup (if you’re a PoC, I hope to see you here. I’m looking so forward to this.)

6:30 PM: Camp Out with Lumberjanes! (YES it’s a Lumberjanes panel, and I’m on it! I’ll be talking about our favorite fierce young ladies with Shannon Watters, Brooke Allen, and Raina Telgemeier, who is moderating.)


12:30 PM: Marry, Do Kill: What Will It Take to Shatter Female Stereotypes in Comics? (Not only does this panel have an awesome title and lineup, but our very own Jon Erik Christianson is moderating!)

2:45 PM: Women in Geek Media (because I’m a woman. In geek media.)

4:00 PM: Female Fandom and Industry Meetup (LADIES UNITE!)

There are of course other panels I’m very interested in, but I’m trying to keep my schedule as light as possible (and I’m not really up for waiting in hours-long lines—though MAN that Jessica Jonespanel is tempting. And there is a Clueless panel. A CLUELESS PANEL.) in order to be flexible. Where will you be? Tell me what panels and events you’re excited about in the comments!