
Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Creation of Cozy Classics

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Have you seen the Cozy Classics out there in the world when you’re shopping for a baby shower/niece/nephew/your kids/yourself? These adorable board book versions of classics illustrated with felted animals and dolls are directly in my wheelhouse. In the Spring of 2016, the makers of the Cozy Classics (Chronicle Books) will be releasing the first one since 2014: Great Expectations! Check out these behind-the-scenes images of the creation of the book, and read along with notes from the authors Jack and Holman Wang:


“The cover shows Pip as a young man in London in front of Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster after an unknown benefactor sends him a large fortune and asks him to go immediately to London to begin his education as a gentleman.

The buildings are made of heavy cardstock, and took several days to cut and glue together. I was able to construct the buildings based on a small paper model of the buildings that I scaled up.

The figure of Pip as an adult took about 25-30 hours to needle-felt. [You can watch a time-lapse video of the process here!]
The whole scene was shot by balancing the buildings and Pip on a piece of styrofoam on top of the fence in my backyard. This allowed me to take the shot upwards and capture the natural sky in the background.”


Cozy Classics - Great Expectations - 3 MONEY set-up

A sequence of shots from the build of the set for the spread, “MONEY”

Cozy Classics - Great Expectations - 4 MONEY

Final shot for “Money” spread

Cozy Classics - Great Expectations - GARDEN set-up

Outdoor set-up for “Garden” shots

Cozy Classics - Great Expectations - Ms. Havisham after the fire shoot

Burned-out Ms. Havisham after Jack and Holman literally set her on fire for the spread, “FIRE”

Thank you to the authors for these behind-the-scenes shots!