
Diverse Bookish Instagram Accounts to Follow

Jaime Herndon

Staff Writer

Jaime Herndon finished her MFA in nonfiction writing at Columbia, after leaving a life of psychosocial oncology and maternal-child health work. She is a writer, editor, and book reviewer who drinks way too much coffee. She is a new-ish mom, so the coffee comes in extra handy. Twitter: @IvyTarHeelJaime

In the realm of social media, I think I love Instagram the most. Especially now with the ability to post more than one picture per post, I spent more time on IG than on Twitter, easily. I love the search by hashtag feature (yay #bookstagram), and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve learned about products and books from other people’s posts. Bookish Instagram accounts are some of my favorites, though, for obvious reasons.

The lack of diversity in publishing and literature isn’t a secret. Even more startling is the lack of diversity in children’s books. Because of these issues, I follow a lot of diverse bookish IG accounts, so I can read books by diverse authors, and find new books for my son that aren’t your typical fare. Here are some of my favorites – but more importantly, I’m always looking for new IG accounts, so please share your favorite diverse bookish IG accounts, too!

Well-Read Black Girl (@wellreadblackgirl)


Founder Glory Edim created an online community (and IRL book club!) that the website describes as one that “celebrates the uniqueness of Black literature and sisterhood.” She aims to increase the visibility of Black women writers and foster communication. WRBG is also creating a writing and literary conference that you can read about (and help fund!) on the website.

We Need Diverse Books (@weneeddiversebooks)

This organization aims to raise awareness of the lack of diversity in kidlit. Kids look for themselves in books, and diverse characters are lacking. WNDB has the goal of advocating for changes in publishing that reflect and honor the real lives of children and young people, emphasizing diverse characters. From their website, diversity includes LGBTQIA, Native, POC, gender diversity, people with disabilities (including but not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, developmental, chronic conditions, and mental illness), and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.

The Conscious Kid Library (@theconsciouskid)

This Instagram account focuses on promoting children’s books that promote marginalized and oppressed voices – books featured include books about diverse families, religious and cultural diversity, gender diversity, and more. Even if you don’t have children, you’ll find interesting books on this IG.

Bitch Media (@bitchmedia)

I’ve been reading Bitch magazine for years now, and their tagline “feminist response to pop culture” says it all. Not just books, but smart literary and cultural commentary on their IG account makes this a fun and thought-provoking account to follow.

Apogee Journal (@apogeelit)

Apogee is a literary/art journal that publishes fiction, nonfiction, art, and poetry. It prides itself on featuring pieces that challenge the status quo, and provides a space for underrepresented and marginalized artists, particularly those of color. The journal focuses on identity politics, including race, gender, sexuality, ability, and more. Their IG is a beautifully curated space, full of art and inspiration.

Subway Book Review (@subwaybookreview)

When I lived in NYC, one of my favorite things to do while riding the subway was to see what other people were reading. The first time I lived in the city, almost 15 years ago, this actually resulted in a guy striking up a conversation with me about Paulo Coelho’s By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, and by the time the 1 reached my stop, I was in love. We exchanged numbers and I never heard from him again (and was too chicken to call him). That sense of possibility never left me. Now, I’m content to scroll through this IG.

What are your favorite diverse bookish IG accounts?