
Check Out The 2025 National Book Critics Circle Finalists

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The finalists for the 2025 National Book Critics Circle Awards were announced today. The 30 finalists are spread across six categories — which include autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, general nonfiction, and poetry — and were published in 2024.

In addition to the above categories, the National Book Critics Circle also announced the finalists for the John Leonard Prize for Best First Book, which is awarded by the organization’s membership. The organization also announced finalists for the Gregg Barrios Book in Translation.

The National Book Critics Circle is a nonprofit that serves a wide range of those involved in literary criticism. This includes professional reviewers, bloggers, publishing professionals, and more. It was founded in April 1974 at the Algonquin Hotel with the intent of taking the Algonquin round table discussions to a national level.

Check out the finalists in each of the six categories, plus the finalists for Best First Novel and Book in Translation awards below.




Gregg Barrios Book in Translation

Winners will be announced at the March 20, 2025, ceremony. You can register to attend in person or virtually at the National Book Critics Circle website.

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