What was the first novel? Why was it written? What need did it fill? Who wrote it? And most importantly, can you still read it today?
We're taking a look at the link between Jeopardy! and authorship, examining books by Jeopardy! contestants and this phenomenon.
You may know them as the brunt of sitcom jokes, but the For Dummies books opened a door to a world of information.
Here's how to disinfect books that you check out from the library or share with other people outside of your household!
Want to listen to audiobooks while you catch zzz? We're laying out the facts of listening to audiobooks in your sleep.
In considering whether staff are being protected as libraries reopen during the pandemic, we take a look at some Arizona libraries.
How will public libraries handle being unable to be community centers when their communities are most in need of them?
The beach read. Every summer the word reappears in conversation, but what exactly is a beach read. We've got some ideas and some book recs that fit.
The NYC plan to provide education to 1 million students in the fall includes creating 100,000 "learning lab" seats in libraries and other community spaces.
Ever wonder how slang terms originate and spread or stay regional? We're taking a look at the evolution of slang and what part the internet plays.