
Your one-stop-shop for reading quizzes and book quizzes, from the serious to the silly. Whether you want to find out which secondary Jane Austen character you are, or if you’d survive Game of Thrones (tl;dr: probably not), we’ve got the book quiz for you!

Quiz: Which Hitchhiker’s Guide Character Are You?

Happy Towel Day, all you hoopy froods! Which Hitchhiker's Guide character are you? Grab your towel and take our quiz to find out!

James Bond Quiz: Choose a Bond, Get a Book Rec

Take this James Bond quiz, and get recommendation for one of Ian Fleming's James Bond books to read.

Which Game of Thrones Character Are (Were?) You?

Would you have riden a dragon or stuck 'em with the pointy end? Take this fun Game of Throne quiz to find out which Game of Thrones character you would be.

Quiz: What Jane Austen Retelling Should You Read Next?

This quiz will help you pick the perfect Jane Austen retelling to read next, whether you like 'em silly, serious, or somewhere in-between.

Could You be the Grand Maester? (The Hardest Game of Thrones Quiz!)

How well do you know Westeros? Take the hardest Game of Thrones quiz to find out if you have what it takes to be Grand Maester of the Wall!

Can You Pass the Hardest Jane Austen Quiz?

Answer these twenty-five questions in the hardest Jane Austen quiz ever to determine if you are a true Austen expert or a more casual fan.

What Mother-Daughter Book Should You Read Next?

Consider starting a book club with your mom for Mother's Day, and take this quiz to find out which mother-daughter book you should pick up first.

Quiz: Which Character from Stranger Things Are You?

While you wait for a new season of monsters, paranormal powers, and nostalgia, take this STRANGER THINGS quiz to find out which character you are.

QUIZ: Would You Survive the Battle of Winterfell?

While watching this week's epic GoT episode, did you wonder how you might have fared? Take our quiz to find out if you survived the Battle of Winterfell!

Which Avenger Are You? Take The Quiz!

It's almost time for Avengers: Endgame--do you know who you'll be rooting for? Take the quiz and find out, which Avenger are you?