#Our Reading Lives

Our Reading Lives features stories about how books and reading have shaped who we are and how we live.

Give a Gift Tower of Books

One reader gives a new mom who misses reading a gift tower of books!

What Weird Things Have Put You Off Reading A Book?

One reader on an unexpected reason she was put off finishing the Narnia series.

The Most Useful Stats from My 2017 Reading Spreadsheet

For our spreadsheet nerds out there: here are the most interesting stats one reader tracked this year.

How I (Mostly) Stopped Buying Books and Became a Better Reader

One Rioter talks about how tight living spaces and financial circumstances led her to stop buying books, and how her reading life was made better.

Make This The Year You Do a Pre-Holiday Book Purge

Why it's a good idea to purge unwanted books from your shelves before new books come in for the holidays (and what to do with them).

8 Responses To “What’s a Good Book for a Boy?”

"Boy books" and "girl books" don't actually exist. But that doesn't stop people from asking for them! Here are some suggestions for how to answer them.

How I’ve Been Replacing Television Time with Reading Time

One reader on the changes she's made to make sure she's reading more than she's watching TV.

5 Novels That Play With Personhood

We read, therefore we are?

What I’ve Learned From Rounding Up British Book News Every Day For A Year

A British ex-pat rounded-up British book news for a year--here's what she learned.

Why I Love One-Sentence Book Reviews

Reasons to keep one-sentence reviews of every book you read.