
News on new nonfiction books and recommendations for the best nonfiction books, including historical books, biographies, nonfiction books for kids, and more, from Book Riot.

8 Essential Jewish History Books for Readers of all Ages

These enlightening Jewish history books range from picture books to encyclopedias to food history and more.

Funny Nonfiction Audiobooks? You Got It!

These funny nonfiction books explore disability and will have you in stitches. Plus, two new nonfiction releases out this week.

Snag These Compelling Memoirs for Under $5.50 Each

Because we love a good memoir.

A New Book for the True Crime Girlies

This week's new nonfiction books and recommendations.

Best Narrative Nonfiction for Your Summer Reading Pile

Narrative nonfiction tells true stories with the tools of fiction writing. Dive on in!

Muppets, Memes, Music, and More: 8 Compelling Modern Cultural Histories

These compelling modern cultural histories give you a window into the past and present about everyday phenomena like food, music, or fashion.

10 of the Best New Nonfiction Books to Read for Disability Pride Month

Pick up these incredible nonfiction titles by disabled, chronically ill, Deaf, and neurodivergent authors for Disability Pride Month!

New Nonfiction for Your TBR!

This new nonfiction releases teach on our current carceral state — and how to dismantle it — and eating disorders.

New Month, New Nonfiction Books!

It's a new month and time to dive in to some new nonfiction books.

Happy Disability Pride Month!

July means more great nonfiction releases, and a celebration of Disability Pride Month!