
News on new nonfiction books and recommendations for the best nonfiction books, including historical books, biographies, nonfiction books for kids, and more, from Book Riot.

Food Writing for the Win: True Story, August 16, 2024

Catch up on the latest in nonfiction releases and dig into some delicious food writing.

Is That You, Soup Season? Some Cookbook Faves to Get Into

What are your go-to cookbooks these days?

Nonfiction Books to Pick You Up After a Reading Slump

This week's new nonfiction and two books to help when you find yourself in a reading slump.

10 of the Best Books on Writing and Publishing

These are the books about writing and publishing I reach for when I'm stuck, and I can't think of a better endorsement than that.

It’s Women in Translation Month!

These translated nonfiction works by women will take you through the publishing life of Elena Ferrante and grief.

New Cookbooks for the School Year

These new cookbooks will help kickstart new routines for the beginning of a new school year (and beyond!).

10 of the Best New Nonfiction Book Releases of August 2024

Here are ten of some of the most exciting nonfiction titles hitting shelves in August, from the history of teeth to the life of Audre Lorde.

Disability Pride All Year Long

We're Ending Disability Pride Month strong, with moving poetry by disabled writers. Plus, two new nonfiction titles to TBR.

Bluestockings, Memoirs, and School Supplies

Catch up on this week's new releases and two more books to celebrate Disability Pride Month.

New Must-Read Nonfiction for Your TBR

New, must-read nonfiction includes a biography highlighting Black American achievement, and an examination of civilizations.