Plaintiffs claim that Idaho's HB 710, implemented last summer, violates First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
Here are this year's winners of The Walter Dean Myers Award for Outstanding Children's Literature, aka "The Walters, awarded by WNDB.
Here is this year's Rainbow Book List, highlighting the best LGBTQ+ youth literature as selected by librarians.
Here are the biggest book trends of 2025, according to Goodreads, including Appalachian Speculation and Pregnant Protagonists in Peril.
Libraries are good for you in ways you might not have thought of, an overdue translation comes to English, dystopian novels pop (again). All in today's book news.
Two more books have been banned in every public school in Utah. That brings the total to 16 state-sanctioned book bans–and students cannot bring personal copies to school, either.
The fastest-selling adult title in 20 years, the 2025 Andrew Carnegie Medal winners, the winners of the Youth Media Awards, and more.
The 2025 Andrew Carnegie Medal Winners, the best new books out in February, a new Dan Brown novel, and more.
Guess what's the fastest-selling adult title, books are getting the certified-human stamp, the unlikeliest collab, and more.
Judy Blume, despite being a staple of youth literature for decades, has not seen many of her books be adapted. ...