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My Library Card, My Constant Friend

What does a library card symbolize to you? Here's one reader on how a library card can become as cherished as a best friend.

How to Find a Book in the Library: Your 101 Guide

How to find a book in the library when you already know which book you want, when you can't find it on the shelf, or when you want a recommendation.

The Positive Impact of Author Visits on Students

On the statistical and real-life impact of author visits on students, and how one school librarian saw success and interest in reading through visits.

7 Ways Libraries Are Combatting the Opioid Crisis

Anti-opioid programming is important for inclusion, awareness, and even life-saving. Here are 7 ways libraries are combatting the opioid crisis.

The Life Cycle of a Library Book

It’s not unusual for trashed library books to throw the public into a tizzy. The reality is that this is part of the natural life cycle of a library book.

The Economic Case for Supporting Libraries

Libraries do so much for so many, but what about the economic evidence of these benefits? Learn about the return on investment of libraries.

59 Quotes about Libraries and Librarians

This collection of 59 thoughtful and charming quotes about libraries and librarians will lift and inspire you to grab your library card.

The Chicago Teachers’ Union Strike May Abandon School Librarians

The Chicago Teachers' Union Strike may ultimately leave school librarians behind. We spoke to two CPS librarians about why that's a bad deal.

Great School Libraries: A UK Campaign Promoting An Essential Service

Get involved in the Great School Libraries campaign to promote an essential service in UK schools.

Want To Borrow A Library Ebook? Why It Might Become More Challenging (& How Libraries Are Fighting Back)

Macmillan's embargo on new ebooks impacts public libraries, now scrambling to make materials available to patrons.