A reading list for those who want to know more about the history of and politics around HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and U.K.
Jon Erik laments the loss of MIDNIGHTER, who finally gave him solo title representation as a gay man.
Why don't bisexual books use the word "bisexual"?
Reading suggestions for experimental feminist lit!
Looking for more queer comics? Keep an eye on these queer-friendly comics publishers.
One teacher's request for more LGBTQ YA fiction that she can recommend to her students.
Separating LGBTQ fiction is discriminatory and othering and needs to stop. (Except when it's affirming and useful and should definitely continue.)
We reflect on why Jughead's official asexuality is important.
Robin Hood is a man of many hats; he’s been a centuries-old folklore legend, the star of a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, and ...
In chapter 22 of Alan Moore’s Lost Girls, around the point at which the story moves from simply taboo to extreme, ...