#Historical Fiction

Falling in Love with Outlander

How a reader who doesn't love romance in any form fell in love with OUTLANDER.

Astronauts, Vikings, and Makoto Yukimura

Kory discusses the awesome comics of Makoto Yukimura such as Planetes and Vinland Saga.

Remembering and Celebrating the Wily and Wonderful Shigeru Mizuki (1922-2015)

Paul pays tribute to manga giant Shigeru Mizuki, who died this week.

3 Fictionalized History Comics

We talk 3 fictionalized history comics you should read.

Aboriginal Comics You Should Be Reading

Panelteer Ardo talks aboriginal comics you should be reading.

When a Movie Helps You Understand the Art of Comics

Panelteer Melody on how the PERSEPOLIS movie helped her understand the art choices in the comic.

Of Dinosaurs and Disabilities

Silent comics like Age of Reptiles can help struggling readers develop a relationship with books.

Time Capsule: The Daily Planet and The Bullpen Bulletins Pages

ASK THE ANSWER MAN! How did DC Comics get young readers excited about upcoming events in the days before preview ...

My Adventure with the Nintendo Comics System

As an American human male born in suburbia in the late 1980s, Mario has probably existed in my consciousness longer than any ...

January 2015 Book of the Month: March: Book One

To commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we’ll be releasing a discussion of March: Book One by Congressman John Lewis, Andrew ...