#Young Adult Literature

Looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or to give to the teens in your life? We’ve got all the bases (and genres) covered.

Jump into the #WeNeedDiverseBooks Campaign, Help Change the World

The Internet, at its best, can be a grand megaphone for pinpointing social injustice. We patiently explain it; angrily vent ...

The 74 Historical Figures You Would Most Like To Be

This giveaway is sponsored by The Chance You Won’t Return by Annie Cardi. When your mom thinks she’s Amelia Earhart, navigating high school, ...

On “Slut Shelves” and Eating Our Own In Fiction

Slut: a woman who has many sexual encounters. Slut: a word that has grown exponentially in use over the last ...

Weekend Giveaway: Season of Wonder by Lisa T. Bergren

This weekend’s giveaway is sponsored by Season of Wonder, the first book in Lisa T. Bergren’s Remnants series. The year is 2095. ...

My Dream Kidlit Panel (BookCon Edition)

Book Expo America, particularly BookCon, has been getting a lot of heat recently for its selection of speakers. It started ...

Giveaway: THE CHANCE YOU WON’T RETURN by Annie Cardi

This giveaway is sponsored by The Chance You Won’t Return by Annie Cardi. When your mom thinks she’s Amelia Earhart, navigating ...

We Need Bigger Megaphones for Diversity in Kid Lit

Last week, BookCon announced their event’s lineup of blockbuster kid lit panelists. Jeff Kinney, James Patterson, Rick Riordan, and Lemony ...

Watch the First Clip of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS

Less than two months to go til The Fault in Our Stars hits big screens on June 6th. Here’s the ...

Read This, Then That: TALKER 25 and Other Fantastic YA Dragon Tales

Get it? Tails? I’m sorry. Earlier this year, at ALA in Philadelphia, I managed to snag a copy of Talker ...

Black Authors’ Best B-Sides

Less famous books by famous Black women.