#Young Adult Literature

Looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or to give to the teens in your life? We’ve got all the bases (and genres) covered.

Beyond the Bestsellers: Robin LaFevers’s “His Fair Assassin” Trilogy

The last book in Robin LaFevers’s New York Times Bestselling His Fair Assassin trilogy, Mortal Heart, hit shelves November 4. This historical ...

3 On A YA Theme: Teen Writers

Last week, it was parents who were writers. This week, it’s the teens themselves. For a while in YA lit, ...

3 On A YA Theme: Parents Who Are Writers

There are arguments all along the spectrum when it comes to how parents are depicted in YA. Some believe all parents ...

3 On A YA Theme: It’s Halloween

This week is all about tricks and treats, so in observance, I’m breaking from the (not so) strict rules of ...

3 On A YA Theme: Girls Who Dig Horror Movies

Small details in a book can go a long way. Sometimes, when I sit down to read something and pick ...

South Asian YA: 5 Titles to Read

On the heels of my post of where to find South Asian literature in the current state of publishing, I ...

3 On A YA Theme: Be Ready To Be Scared

YA horror is such a wide genre, since it encompasses all genres within it — there are scary stories featuring ...

3 On A YA Theme: If You Love Watching Supernatural

What to read if you like the show Supernatural

3 On A YA Theme: Sylvia Plath

It’s in high school that you’re exposed to literary classics. English classes introduce teens to the likes of Shakespeare, F. Scott ...

Revenge of the Teenagers!

The greatest injustice of my adolescent life came when I was 16 and one of my closest friends patiently endured ...