
Police procedurals, cozy mysteries, psychological thrillers, true crime: whatever your mystery flavor, we’ve got recommendations on the best mystery books out there, from diverse authors writing in every mystery sub-genre. Get your whodunit (orwhatdunit, if you like a supernatural mystery) fix with posts from our mystery/thriller-reading contributors. Now go crack those cases!

Basking in the Warm Glow of Being on the Popular Side of Popular Opinion

Some of us are just contrary by nature. We can’t help it. It’s probably an odd combination of super opinionated ...

If 90s Pop/Rock Lyrics Were Book Blurbs

The recent exercise in repurposing hip-hop lyrics into book blurbs was so much fun, I had to have more of the ...

Top 12 Fall Movies Based on Books

Even with the sad (or happy, depending on your Tobey Maguire-ness) news that The Great Gatsby movie’s been delayed until ...

Riot Recommendation: Freaking Good Thrillers

This edition of the Riot Recommendation is sponsored by Freak by Jennifer Hillier from Gallery Books. Suspense magazine chose Jennifer Hillier’s “truly frightening” ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: August 14, 2012

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback. [galleryview ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: August 7, 2012

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback. [galleryview ...

Cold Reads for a Hot Summer

“It’s so HOT,” said everyone, every day, for the last three weeks. So hot that reading scenes from Victorian novels ...

The Best of BookRiot.tv: The Most Watched Book Trailers, July 14-20, 2012

Here are the most popular book trailers from the last week on BookRiot.tv. Click the cover to watch!

Flowchart Friday: Stieg Larsson Edition

BREAKING NEWS: There’s this little-known trilogy out called the Millennium Trilogy.  The first book, not many people have heard of ...

The Problem of Reading for Pleasure

Whenever I meet someone who says they love books, I am quick to ask them to list some of their ...