Whether you’re looking for kid’s books online to read to your small humans or because you’re young at heart, we’ve got the best kid lit recommendations! Our kid’s books post cover everything from children’s picture books to chapter books for kids to middle grade fiction recommendations.
In Growing Up With …, Jenn features picture books, middle reader, and teen books linked together by concept or theme. ...
Charlotte’s Web is a great book, in the pantheon with George Eliot’s Middlemarch, books that make me feel kinship with ...
This weekend, our dear friends gave our 14-month-old daughter her first volume of classic literature, Pride and Prejudice. Well, it’s ...
A list of items, places, and scenarios hard to untangle from Roald Dahl's books.
As I write this on August 29, 2012, my sister is in labor. This is her first child. Not to ...
When I was maybe seven or eight, my brothers and I had this one particular babysitter — I think her ...
“They” say that having children changes you in ways that nothing else can. I think we can safely say that ...
In Growing Up With …, Jenn features picture books, middle reader, and teen books linked together by concept or theme. ...
In Growing Up With …, Jenn features picture books, middle reader, and teen books linked together by concept or theme. ____________________________ I ...
Here are the most popular book trailers from the last week on BookRiot.tv. Click the cover to watch!