Book Riot Live

Book Riot Live, Now With Extra Ravenclaw

Jenn Northington

Director, Editorial Operations

Jenn Northington has worked in the publishing industry wearing various hats since 2004, including bookseller and events director, and is currently Director of Editorial Operations at Riot New Media Group. You can hear her on the SFF Yeah! podcast nerding out about sci-fi and fantasy. When she’s not working, she’s most likely gardening, running, or (obviously) reading. Find her on Tumblr at jennIRL and Instagram at iamjennIRL.

Book Riot Live will take place in NYC on November 12 & 13. Get your tickets for $20 off with code BOOKNERD!

In our Book Riot Live Interview, we asked our speakers our burning questions about the writing process, publishing, and their Hogwarts House (naturally). To probably no one’s surprise, the answers were overwhelmingly the same — with a few delightful diversions.

Q: Do you know your Hogwarts house?

Jeph Jacques: Ravenclaw.

Joni Rodgers: I’m a little bit Ravenclaw and a little bit rock’n’roll.

Meg Medina: Ravenclaw.

Ayize Jama-Everett: The one with the orgies.

Diane McMartin: Hrm?

Nisi Shawl: Pretty sure I’m Ravenclaw. Of course, as a member of Ravenclaw I would scorn to take any test purporting to tell me.

Charlie Jane Anders: Yes, it’s the Physical Kids. [Editors note: BONUS POINTS FOR The Magicians REFERENCE.]

Alyssa Cole: Different sorting tests gave different results, so I’ll say Ravenclaw with HuffleGryff rising.

Patrick Phillips: I need to ask my niece, Emma! She’d know.