Best of Book Riot

The Consequences of a Lack of Media Literacy

S. Zainab Williams

Executive Director, Content

S. Zainab would like to think she bleeds ink but the very idea makes her feel faint. She writes fantasy and horror, and is currently clutching a manuscript while groping in the dark. Find her on Twitter: @szainabwilliams.

Welcome to The Best of Book Riot, our daily round-up of what’s on offer across our site, newsletters, podcasts, and social channels. Not everything is for everyone, but there is something for everyone.

The Consequences of a Lack of Media Literacy and Where We Go From Here

If we do not raise media literacy rates, our society will crumble. Sound dire? It’s not possible to make it dire enough. I’ve watched a mis- and disinformation epidemic unfold from the vantage point of a teacher, a parent, a daughter, and a community member. I’ve seen the large and small ways in which information floods with no deep dives can lead to strongly held and poorly formed opinions among people of all ages. I’ve watched as people from many different value systems and political backgrounds take social media videos as undisputed facts, running rampant with a healthy dose of confirmation bias validating whatever resonates with their preexisting notions. We can’t get the truth based on vibes.

Historical Fiction that Adds a Little Magic to the Past

Magical realism and historical fiction are a match made in bookish heaven. Both of these beloved genres tend to draw on real-life inspiration but add fictional characters, plot devices, and atmospheric settings to offer the reader an escape from reality. So when I pick up a book set in the past that adds fantastical elements to the story, I know I’m in for a treat. Check out these eight novels that combine historical fiction with magical realism and fabulism to create something truly special.

Adapt These Mystery Books

I keep track of a lot in regard to adaptation news: when rights are sold, casting news, what’s in production, when I can make some popcorn and watch, and award nominations and wins. I also have a running list of books I can’t believe no one is working on adapting because I can clearly see the audience for it. So I decided to share some of the mystery books that studios are leaving money on the table every day by not adapting them.

New YA Book Releases This Week

Somehow, some way, we’ve reached the final week of January. It’s been a long month in these parts, and I know for folks in many areas of the country, it’s been an especially challenging month. In the midst of whatever January has thrown your way, I hope you’ve been able to enjoy a good book or two. If you haven’t, may you find something good in this week’s releases to carry you into February.

We’ve got a mix of genres and styles going on this week. If you like fantasy, we’ve got new YA fantasy. Like romance? Got you covered. Poetry? Yes indeed. A strong sports book from a long-time YA sports writer? Yep!

My Book Club’s Favorite Nonfiction Picks

My in-person book club is made up of an eclectic group of women who come from all walks of life. From an interior designer to a pediatric emergency room nurse, we have a little bit of everything. But as a whole, we all tend to love nonfiction in one way or another. So today, I’m sharing some of the most popular nonfiction books my book club has adored.