
What Are the Best Books of 2013?

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at rebecca@riotnewmedia.com.

Here at Riot HQ, we’re hard at work on our list of the best books of the year. And by “hard at work,” I mean we’re duking it out over who gets to write about which widely loved titles. But we don’t just want to tell you what we loved, we want to hear from you too! So it will come as no surprise that in this month’s reader poll, we’re asking you to pick the best books of 2013. It was a good year indeed, so we’re letting you pick 3.

A few guidelines:

  1. The book must have been first published in 2013.
  2. There is no restriction on genres, publishers, formats, etc.
  • Enter each title only once. Repeat entries by the same user will be deleted and only the first entry will be counted.
  • Play by the honor code. This isn’t a promotional opportunity; please don’t attempt to use it as one.


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