S. Zainab Williams

S. Zainab would like to think she bleeds ink but the very idea makes her feel faint. She writes fantasy and horror, and is currently clutching a manuscript while groping in the dark. Find her on Twitter: @szainabwilliams.

The Curse That is Reading Amnesia

Standing in front of my bookshelf I gazed at the cracked spines squeezed together — the backs of the precious ...

Podcast Recommendations to Scratch that Sci-Fi and Fantasy Itch

Orson Welles may have proven the power of speculative fiction in audio with a broadcast adaptation of The War of ...

The Instagrams of Favorite Fictional Characters

Taking a cue from The Bookmark Librarian who posted an Instagram photo from Baby-Sitters Club character Claudia Kishi, here are ...

The Therapeutic Effects of Reading Middle Grade Fiction as an Adult

Some people escape the rushing rapids of the urban sprawl in isolation tanks, some drink wine to dull the edges ...

A Guide to Maximizing Your Audiobook Time

When we have too many books and too little time many of us turn to audiobooks to keep our read ...

Young Rebels of Fiction: Book Recommendations for Introverts

While we at the Riot are taking this lovely summer week off to rest (translation: read by the pool/ocean/on our ...

Literary Tourism: The Huntington Library in Los Angeles, CA

There are many locales of literary interest throughout Los Angeles, but I have a soft spot for The Huntington Library, ...

Musings on the Culmination of Judy Blume’s Career

Judy Blume shocked me and, judging from the gasps and baffled laughter, almost everyone else in the audience attending the ...

Young Rebels of Fiction: Book Recommendations for Introverts

Maybe in high school you used books as screens to shield your eyes from the hordes of silverback peers who ...

Fun-Filled Dysfunctional Family Fiction

This is a guest post from S. Zainab Williams. S. Zainab would like to think she bleeds ink but the ...