Marcy Cook

Marcy Cook is a creator of short stories, comic book scripts, interviews and articles. She’s also a semi-professional cat wrangler with an insatiable lust for Lego. When not slapping words together she’s a sci-fi geek, comic book fan and avid reader. Follow her on Twitter: @marcyjcook.

ASTRO CITY #16, Transgender Representation, and the 2015 Eisner Awards

Astro City #16 is up for an Eisner Award this year. Why is this great news? The story is called Wish ...

Review: Cash & Carrie #1

Cash & Carrie #1 by Giulie Speziani and Penny is an independent comic from Crowntaker Studios; it has an interesting background but ...

On Imperfect Representation vs. No Representation

Is it better to have imperfect representation or no representation? At least with imperfect representation a debate is created, allowing ...

The Male Gaze Vs. Female Gaze

What is the male gaze? What is female gaze? And why aren’t the two equivalent? The male gaze was first ...

Why the Art of Squirrel Girl Matters

It’s no secret that I’m really enjoying the run of Squirrel Girl by Ryan North and Erica Henderson. I’ve interviewed ...

The Problems with the Comic that Got Me “Into Comics”

I’ve never really thought about how I got into comics until someone asked me about it. I told them I ...

The EXCALIBUR Movie I Didn’t Know I Wanted

Marvel is willing to make movies out of its more obscure properties; we’ve seen this already with Guardians and Ant-Man. ...