Loyal Miles

Loyal Miles grew up in Midwestern suburbia near the intersection of streets named Valleyview and Amarado, not far from the geographic center of continental America. He now lives within shouting distance of the BQE in Brooklyn, where he writes long poems and short stories.

Erasure Poetry, HEART OF DARKNESS, and the Language of Conflict

In recent years, I’ve been a steady listener to the Poetry Off the Shelf podcast produced by the Poetry Foundation. ...

Best of Book Riot: The Guilty Pleasure of Books Not Yet Read

To celebrate the end of the year, we’re running some of our favorite posts from the last six months. We’ll ...

Down the Rabbit Hole: How the Internet Can Deepen a Good Read–A Case Study of Dexter Filkins

One thing about reading in an Internet world, there’s never a shortage of supplementary material. Author bios and interviews, source ...

Election Day Reset: A Quick Formula (Math!) for the Current Political Tone in America

In the last question of the V.P. debate, a voter asked about the tone of political advertisements and the campaign ...

The Whites of Their Eyes: 3 Books of War History

Day breaks in backwoods countryside, a landscape of shallow ravines, creeks and ponds, peach and cherry orchards, thickets thinned by ...