Last week, a fellow Rioter wrote a thought-provoking piece about why she couldn’t finish a reread of classic Gone With the ...
“Beyond the Bestsellers” is a new feature I hope to run at least once a month that highlights YA books ...
I think if I have to read one more confession from an adult who reads YA books, I might have ...
Banned Books Week is a annual “celebration” to raise awareness about books that have been challenged or banned — it’s ...
September 14 marks the fifth anniversary of the publication of Suzanne Collins’ world-wide phenomenon The Hunger Games. Since it came out ...
We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to teaching kids how to love reading. We tell boys ...
I finished watching Orange is the New Black a few weeks ago, and what really stuck with me was the way the ...
September is jam-packed with a lot of great new releases — it’s a nice send-off to summer and a welcome ...
No one needs to tell book lovers about the joy and wonders of exploring a library or a bookstore. But ...
Roughly once a week, there’s a new blog post or news story popping up somewhere that talks about why it ...