Katie McLain Horner

Katie's parents never told her "no" when she asked for a book, which was the start of most of her problems. She has an MLIS from the University of Illinois and works full time as a Circulation & Reference Manager in Illinois. She has a deep-rooted love of all things disturbing, twisted, and terrifying and takes enormous pleasure in creeping out her coworkers. When she's not at work, she's at home watching the Cubs with her cats and her cardigan collection. Other hobbies include scrapbooking, introducing more readers to the Church of Tana French, and convincing her husband that she can, in fact, fit more books onto her shelves. Twitter: @kt_librarylady

50 YA Books from #NastyWomenRead

Twitter, in its infinite wisdom, recommends YA novels for nasty women.

100 Must-Read Books About Monsters

Monsters under the bed. Monsters in the closet. Monsters in the woods. Sea monsters. Otherworldly monsters. When we want to ...

Cool Bookish Places: The Stanley Hotel

A Rioter visits The Stanley Hotel, Stephen King's inspiration for THE SHINING

5 Reasons You Should Have a Library Card

It's National Library Card Sign-Up Month! Here are 5 quick reasons you should go get a library card.

Literary Tourism: Bookish History in New Orleans, LA

Katie takes us on a tour of the literary history of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Genre Kryptonite: More Killer Plants

Why one reader can't stop reading scary books about killer plants.

Why Public Libraries Should Support Black Lives Matter

Resources and reasons for librarians to support Black Lives Matter.

The Excellent Subtitles of Historical Nonfiction

Astonishing tales of murder, madness, and obsession! (Or so the subtitles say.)

6 Messed-Up Psychological Suspense Novels Written By Authors Who Aren’t Gillian Flynn

Creepy books about creepy people, none of which are written by Gillian Flynn (though we do love her).

Librarians Don’t Read All Day

A public librarian takes on the myth that she spends her day reading books.