Jenn Northington

Jenn Northington has worked in the publishing industry wearing various hats since 2004, including bookseller and events director, and is currently Director of Editorial Operations at Riot New Media Group. You can hear her on the SFF Yeah! podcast nerding out about sci-fi and fantasy. When she’s not working, she’s most likely gardening, running, or (obviously) reading. Find her on Tumblr at jennIRL and Instagram at iamjennIRL.

What the Junk: Lumberjanes #1

The Bugs of Literature: A Flow Chart

Talking to Strangers About Margaret Atwood

Cat Ladies, Sex Kittens, and Romance for the Rest of Us: An Interview with Sarah MacLean

A Very Steampunk Halloween

Talking to Strangers About Margaret Atwood

Kushiel’s Reread: The Recap

The Reread at the End of the Universe: Does It Matter That H2G2 Fails the Bechdel Test?

Feminism in Epic Fantasy: Robert Jordan v. George R.R. Martin (The Best of Book Riot)

What the WoT: The Towers of Midnight