Jaime Herndon

Jaime Herndon finished her MFA in nonfiction writing at Columbia, after leaving a life of psychosocial oncology and maternal-child health work. She is a writer, editor, and book reviewer who drinks way too much coffee. She is a new-ish mom, so the coffee comes in extra handy. Twitter: @IvyTarHeelJaime

8 Children’s Books About Feelings

If you’ve ever been around kids, you know they can have big feelings (we all do!). Use these books to start a conversation about emotions.

Navigating Winter Holiday Picture Books When You Have an Interfaith Family

Interfaith families are common in the U.S., so why is it so hard to find picture books about celebrating more than one winter holiday?

Jewish YA Books: More Than the Holocaust

Jewish lives are complex and diverse, so why is it that the only Jewish YA books that are well-publicized are about one topic: the Holocaust?

Graphic Novels and Graphic Nonfiction About Stuff You Should Care About

From feminism to mental health and current events, these graphic novels and graphic nonfiction books, like Paying the Land by Joe Sacco, can educate you on things that matter.

YA Books Dealing With Addiction

Millions of Americans deal with addiction or know someone who does. These YA books explore the various ways that addiction impacts a life.

The Canon of Children’s Literature: Does it Exist? Should it?

Mensa For Kids and National Endowment for the Humanities both offer versions of a canon of children's literature — but is a "canon" helpful?

When Books Become Your Parenting Community

In a society where so many parental communities lo longer exist, it’s not so weird to turn to books to help us through major life decisions.

Who is DC’s New Superhero, Whistle?

Willow being Jewish is not a token mention or awkward addition; Jewish cultural references are consistent and fit seamlessly into the story.

For the Love of Outside: 15 Nature Books for Kids

These nature books for kids show that no matter where they live, kids can still have a relationship with nature.

Read-Alouds Rock: Falling in Love with Early Chapter Books All Over Again

A reader shares her experience falling in love with early chapter books all over again through reading aloud to her son.