Grace Lapointe
Grace Lapointe’s fiction has been published in Kaleidoscope, Deaf Poets Society, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and is forthcoming in Corporeal Lit Mag. Her essays and poetry have been published in Wordgathering. Her stories and essays—including ones that she wrote as a college student—have been taught in college courses and cited in books and dissertations. More of her work is at, Medium, and Ao3.
The Complex Trauma Bond at the Heart of MY DARK VANESSA
Grace Lapointe
March 30, 2020
Taking a close look at the trauma bond, depictions of sexual assault, and the victim of assault in Kate Elizabeth Russell’s MY DARK VANESSA.
Grace Lapointe
March 23, 2020
Taking a look at the fan theory that the SNOWPIERCER adaptation is secretly a dark sequel to CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
The Connection Between Jane Austen’s EMMA and AMÉLIE
Grace Lapointe
March 3, 2020
Taking a look at the striking similarities between Jane Austen's EMMA and Jean-Pierre Jeunet's AMÉLIE, as well as the protagonists' differences.
What Was Up With the Body Swapping Trend?
Grace Lapointe
February 12, 2020
A reader on a '90s book series for young readers that shone a new and ableist light on the body swapping trend in books and other media.
Madeline Miller’s Books Deepened My Appreciation for Greek Mythology
Grace Lapointe
January 28, 2020
How one reader who struggled to enjoy stories from Greek mythology gained an interest in these tales thanks to the works of Madeline Miller.
10 Fascinating Books By or About Child Prodigies
Grace Lapointe
January 15, 2020
Get to know the smart fictional and real young people in books or behind them with these enthralling books by or about child prodigies.
16 Insightful Quotes from A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN
Grace Lapointe
January 5, 2020
16 inspiring and insightful quotes from A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN.
What Magical Objects Would You Want to Own?
Grace Lapointe
December 22, 2019
What magical objects from speculative fiction do you covet? Has it changed over your life?
Regina Spektor’s Literary Songs
Grace Lapointe
November 24, 2019
The literary songs of Regina Spektor.
How Trauma Bonds Drive the BROKEN EARTH Trilogy
Grace Lapointe
November 14, 2019
How N.K. Jemisin's BROKEN EARTH trilogy parallels real-world colonialism and racism and produces complex relationships with huge power imbalances.