Danika Ellis

Danika spends most of her time talking about queer women books at the Lesbrary. Blog: The Lesbrary Twitter: @DanikaEllis

An Introduction to Bookish ASMR Videos

ASMR, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, is “autonomous sensory meridian response,” which sounds scientific but actually just means the ...

The Joy and Schadenfreude of MARK READS

Imagine being able to read Harry Potter for the first time again. Or The Hunger Games, or His Dark Materials, ...

Help! Reading Is Ruining My TV Watching!

Some of my favourite stories are TV shows. Although books are my medium of choice, most of the characters that ...

Fandom-Inspired Quiet Books

One thing about working in the kids’ section of a bookstore for years is that I’ve developed strong opinions about ...

How Would You Do on the Bookseller Quiz Show?

One of the aspects of being a bookseller than I didn’t anticipate was the quiz show component. Although I expected ...

5 Reasons Straight Women Should Read Lesbian Books

Queer women’s literature is my passion in life, and not just because two of my primary identifying characteristics are “giant ...

What Counts as Reading?

Anyone who has done the Goodreads reading challenge has probably asked themselves at some point, “What counts as a book?” ...

Being A Feminist In the Kids’ Section

While we at the Riot are taking this lovely summer week off to rest (translation: read by the pool/ocean/on our ...

My Books Will Outlive Me: Reflections From a Used Bookstore Employee

Books as have a lifetime that (ideally) stretches out longer than any one reader. I am just one caretaker in that chain.

My Time as a Harry Potter House Counselor

I sometimes worry about how much of my memory and brain power is irrevocably tied up in Harry Potter house ...