Eight books can never represent all First Nation communities, but these Indigenous middle grade novels are a great place to start.
One reader reflects on the books she's reread, wondering what made them so appealing in the first place.
None of us escape the preteen years of puberty and social pressures without some upheaval. These graphic novels for preteens, including Invisible by Christina Diaz Gonzalez and Gabriela Epstein, can help.
From sweet skate-themed fabrics to a rad zine about the basics of the sport, there is a little something for everyone on this list.
From Twilight Sparkle to Conan the Librarian and more, here are the top 10 librarian characters in TV and movies, ranked.
I’ve used books like Your Name Is a Song by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, Luisa Uribe to connect with students, impart the importance of our mutual respect, and create a classroom community.
If Taylor Swift can have her eras, I can too. It took decades to click into what I enjoy reading, and the journey has taught me a lot.
Hunting for their next great read? Find a variety of chapter books for 4th graders that they're sure to love, including Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel José Older.
The kids are more prepared than most adults to understand and expect acceptance for all in school libraries (and beyond!).
The best books for potty training are ones that help children become comfortable with understanding their bodies. Find them here, starting with Super Pooper and Whizz Kid: Potty Power! Sabrina Moyle and Eunice Moyle.