Ashlie Swicker

Ashlie (she/her) is an educator, librarian, and writer. She is committed to diversifying the reading lives of her students and supporting fat acceptance as it intersects with other women’s issues. She's also perpetually striving to learn more about how she can use her many privileges to support marginalized groups. Interests include learning how to roller skate with her local roller derby team, buying more books than she'll ever read, hiking with her husband and sons, and making lists to avoid real work. You can find her on Instagram (@ashlieelizabeth), Twitter (@mygirlsimple) or at her website,

Make Out Scene Superlatives

Swoon-worthy and surprising make out scenes from YA novels, superlative style. Did your favorite on page liplock win an award?

How To Create Your Own Summer Reading Syllabus

How to create your own summer reading syllabus, and why!

Picture Books to Help You Celebrate National Donut Day

June 3rd is National Donut Day, and I plan to celebrate in every way possible. Trips to the donut shop? ...

Three Fat Heroines I Wish I’d Met Earlier

Three YA novels featuring fat heroines who defy conventions and delight readers.

Beyond Goodnight Moon: Unique Books to Give at Baby Showers

Unique books to gift at your next baby shower!

How Following Authors on Twitter Enhances My Reading

When I read my first Harry Potter in 1999, I logged onto AOL and typed the the boy wizard’s name ...

Fresh Takes on Classic Fairy Tales for Modern Kids

Fairy tales are the common denominator in modern American society. I see it in the urban elementary classroom where I ...

For The Love of a Love Triangle: The Best Series That Include a Love Triangle as a Subplot

I love a good love triangle. It’s a truth I cannot escape. I don’t know if I am drawn to them ...

On Becoming a Book Girl Late

This is a guest post from Ashlie Swicker. Ashlie loves iced coffee, Leslie Knope, and YA subplots that include love ...

Life Lessons I Learned at the Library

This is a guest post from Ashlie Swicker. Ashlie loves iced coffee, Leslie Knope, and YA subplots that include love ...