Annika Barranti Klein

Annika Barranti Klein likes books, obviously.   Twitter: @noirbettie

What is Roman Noir? A Brief History of the Genre

What is Roman noir and how is it connected to film noir? Here is a brief history of the genre, starting with its beginnings in German film.

Why Are So Many M/M Romances Written by Cis Women?

A lot of M/M romances are written by women - but why? A romance reader tries to unpack this interesting (and complicated) phenomenon.


Take a trip through the world of book covers for Shirley Jackson's classic WE HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN THE CASTLE.

The Bookish Life of Angela Lansbury

Angela Lansbury had a 75-year career filled with bookish roles, from book and play adaptations to the iconic novelist Jessica Fletcher.

The Best Books Like BOOK LOVERS

Looking for the best books like BOOK LOVERS by Emily Henry? Here are some of the best enemies-to-lovers, book industry romances, and more.

How to Play Dungeons & Dragons

Want to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons? Get started with this beginner's guide for new players that mentions all you need to play now.

9 Books for Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

If you love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, these recent books perfectly capture the feeling of being a teenage chosen one on a hellmouth.

Literary Twitter Bots

Not all bots are created equal—some are fun and bookish! These literary Twitter bots post book quotes, character moments, and more.

Bookish Life of Sidney Poitier

Sidney Poitier had a history-making career as an actor and civil rights activist that often involved bookish roles.

Signs You Might Be in a Jane Austen Novel

Are your own thoughts habitually your best companions? Are you half agony, half hope? You may be in a Jane Austen novel.