7 Amazing Cosplays from GeekyCon 2015
Have you heard of GeekyCon (formerly known as LeakyCon)? It started out as a Harry Potter convention and has grown into an all-encompassing, incredibly inclusive celebration of fandom, and I was lucky enough to spend last week there. As you will see below, the cosplay that I saw was INCREDIBLE. And, as I learned from talking to the ‘players, a lot of them were home-made! I only managed to get a couple pictures myself (this is what happens when you’re running around from panels to booths trying not to miss everything) but happily there’s a tumblr dedicated to the cosplayers. So for your enjoyment, here are a few of my favorite cosplays from GeekyCon 2015.
1. Elsa and Anna (Frozen)
The detail on these just knocks me over. I asked Elsa about the bodice, and the leaves and flowers were all added on by hand. And look at the tiny Olaf on Anna’s shoulder! I die.
2. Loki (Marvel Universe)
I saw this Loki everywhere, looking villainously lovely as all get out. I never got a chance to tell her how amazing she looked, so I’m doing it now.
3. Lady Gryffindor (Harry Potter)
Enemies of Hogwarts beware — the bad-ass Lady Gryffindor has a magic sword and sure as hell isn’t afraid to use it. (I just cannot with this dress. The draping! The embellishments!)
4. A Wizengamot, plus Hogwarts Itself (Harry Potter)
Wizards represent! Slytherins, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, even a Beauxbatons student and a wizardly newsie! And in front, none other than Hogwarts herself (a.k.a. my friend Arielle), showing off the Houses’ common rooms. (I can call a group of wizards a wizengamot right? Let’s just go with it.)
5. Miss Kaywinnet Lee Frye (Firefly)
The GeekyCon Ball didn’t have a herald, but it sure should have. I take it back, Kaylee — your dress does NOT look like you bought it in a store.
6. Augustus Waters (Spoiler) (The Fault In Our Stars)
I just cannot.
7. Gryffindor Dragon Jedi