3 on a Theme: Women in Male-Dominated Industries
When I read nonfiction, I tend to gravitate towards nonfiction about women who defied the odds. As infuriating as these books can sometimes be – just treat women as equals! – they’re equally inspiring, especially under an administration that likes to pretend that women don’t make up over half the population.
While sometimes this comes in the form of narrative nonfiction (The Radium Girls is a must-read!), the easiest way to get my nonfiction fix is through memoirs of women who survived the potential crush of male-dominated industries. These three memoirs focus on women reflecting on their experiences in male-dominated industries – whether or not those experiences turned out for the best.
Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
Jahren is a scientist – she studies trees, flowers, seeds, and soil – and while she discusses plant life in detail, Jahren also reflects on her personal life, including anecdotes about her childhood and how she fell into science, as well as her relationship with her lab partner.
Crazy is My Superpower: How I Triumphed By Breaking Bones, Breaking Hearts, and Breaking the Rules by A.J. Mendez-Brooks
While Mendez-Brooks does talk about her professional wrestling career, she focuses more on her childhood and her family, and the bipolar disorder she learned to manage to achieve her dreams. I’ve talked at length about the inspiration that can be pulled from her story, but it’s definitely worth a peek for memoir readers, even if you’re not a fan of professional wrestling.
Crash Override: How Gamergate (Nearly) Destroyed My Life, and How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate by Zoe Quinn
What are some of your favorite memoirs of women in male-dominated industries? Let me know!